Hairy Death Spiral, Live Art Event, 2 hours, Center for Contemporary Arts, Glasgow, Scotland, 2019.

In the so-called era of the Anthropocene, the Earth is facing various crises. Some slow changes in everyday life and the environment are imperceptible, yet the deterioration continues, affecting human beings as well as other living creatures on the planet. Concerning the emerging post human crises, Hairy Death Spiral as a live art event produced a collective reflection on, and draw attention to, the climate change crisis through a visible and sensory situation. We invited the audience into a participatory situation via the movement of bodies combined with intermedia, promoting reflective thinking about the relation between human beings and the changing natural environment. The audience were gradually driven and besieged onto a crowded island by a shrinking circle framed by tape, baking by heaters on a hot summer day.

Artists: Jing Xie, Qiong Zhang, Martina Morger, Wassili Widmer.
Producer: Jing Xie, Man Li.
Camera: Wei Zhang.